
"Lie of the Year" Says Tampa Bay Times Obama's "If You Like Your Health Care Plan, You Can Keep It"

(UPDATED: December 15, 2013, 8:20 a.m.) -- The Tampa Bay Times (winner of the Pulitzer Prize for its has named its "Lie of the Year" the statement (reiterated in various forms) by President Barack Obama that "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it."

To view their story, click here

The following are's opinions. We believe what Congress does or doesn't do about this will be one of the biggest stories of 2014. In our opinion, what Party-line Dems did in 2010 has created an "Unaffordable, Uncaring Act." It was a massive, cynical Presidential level lie, a "Big Lie" (more likely to be believed despite its provable untruth) that Congress will eventually have to correct but not before it inflicts much suffering and (yes) deaths.

When asked Long Beach area Congressman Alan Lowenthal about this last month, he offered us a compassionate but non-responsive response. He did so after we emailed him a Wall Street Journal piece by a California woman fighting an especially deadly cancer who is about to lose the level of care she has had up until now. To see Cong. Lowenthal's response, click here.

A few weeks ago, Californians got a taste of this when the non-elected government potentates running the Sacramento-enacted Congressionally-enabled "insurance exchange" refused President Obama's request to delay implementing the most onerous parts of the law.

In the 1960s, some Democrats put principle over party and broke with President Johnson over the lies of Vietnam. In the 1970s, some Republicans put principle over party and broke with President Nixon over the lies of Watergate. In the coming year, Democrats will either continue making excuses for President Obama's lies about health care OR they will do the right thing, put principle over party, and take meaningful action to fix things.

The physicians' oath includes the warning to do no harm. We have little doubt that voters, and history, will harshly judge those who put party over principle and fail to correct the harms being done by the law as it now stands.

This year, more than usual, we wish our readers and their families a healthy 2014.

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