
Landmark Villa Riviera (Ocean Blvd/Alamitos) Conserves Water, Replaces Nearly 30% Chunk Of Entryway Grass/Plants With Water-Conserving Landscape is reader and advertiser supported. Support independent news in LB similar to the way people support NPR and PBS stations. We're not non-profit so it's not tax deductible but $49.95 (less than an annual dollar a week) helps keep us online.

(April 21, 2015) -- LB's iconic Villa Riviera (Ocean Blvd/Alamitos Ave) is proud of its recently completed lawn-to-garden landscaping project -- undertaken before Governor Brown's mandatory water reduction order -- that reduces water consuming grass and other plants with drought-tolerant plants.

In a release, the condominium building's owners/residents say the water-conserving project maintains the building's historic character. From roughly 4,200 square feet of lawn, 1,200 square feet (29% reduction of lawn) were removed and replaced with 482 square feet of decomposed granite (which requires zero water) and 718 square feet of Natal Plum hedge. The flower bed will be turned into a dry fountain on phase 2 of the project.

[Scroll down to see "before" and "after" photos and for further.] .

Photo source: Villa Riviera residents

In a release, the Villa Riviera condominium's owners/residents say their Landscape Committee (composed of Dr. Greg Perrault, Kevin McGuan, Ken Gomez and Ken Jones) began the work voluntarily when the Governor sought voluntary water reductions, and by the time the Governor issued his mandatory Executive Order, their front lawn project was underway. It was completed on April 9.

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The project is partially funded by a grant from the LB Water Department's Lawn-to-Garden program and received approval from the City's Cultural Heritage Commission.

The Villa Riviera Condominiums was declared a City Landmark in 1979 and was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1996.

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Disclosure: carries an informational ad for the LB Water Dept. This story came to us independently from residents/owners in the Villa Riviera.

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