
Mayor, City Prosecutor, Five Council Incumbents File Papers To Seek Re-Election In April 2018 is reader and advertiser supported. Support independent news in LB similar to the way people support NPR and PBS stations. We're not non-profit so it's not tax deductible but $49.95 (less than an annual dollar a week) helps keep us online.
(April 25, 2017) -- Incumbent Mayor Robert Garcia, plus City Prosecutor Doug Haubert and all five Council Incumbents first elected in the 2014 election cycle (Lena Gonzalez, Suzie Price, Stacy Mungo, Roberto Uranga and Rex Ricradson) have all filed paperwork indicating they plan to seek re-election in the April 2018 election cycle.

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A list compiled by the City Clerk's office on April 10 shows Vice Mayor/9th dist. Councilman Rex Richardson filed a candidate intention statement on Jan. 20; Councilman Roberto Uranga did so on Feb. 8, followed by City Prosecutor Doug Haubert on Feb. 13 and Councilwoman Suzie Price April 17. A non-incumbent has filed a candidate intention statement against Price: Carmen Huxley.

Council incumbents Lena Gonzalez, Stacy Mungo and Rex Richardson plus Prosecutor Haubert filed papers creating formal re-election political committees on April 17.

Mayor Garcia waited until April 19 -- the day after a Council majority (5-3) voted to approve an ordinance allowing all LB elected incumbents to use contributions collected in their "officeholder accounts" to support other candidates for LB, state or federal offices. Mayor Garcia had the ability to veto the ordinance (which would have required six affirmative Council voted to override) but instead signed it into law.

Two years earlier (Jan-Feb. 2015), a Council majority voted (5-3) to triple amounts LB incumbents could annually collect from contributors in their "officeholder accounts.".



These races (plus City Attorney and City Auditor) will be decided in April 2018 if a candidate receives over 50%=1 votes. In a multi-candidate race, if no candidate receives 50%+1 of the votes cast, the top two finishers will proceed to a June 2018 runoff.


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Further as it develops on

We added challenger Huxley's name in the 3d district.

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