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Schipske says she'll likely not advance her ballot measure if LBCUR proceeds with its utility tax cutting measure

(August 9, 2001) -- After filing a notice of intent on July 18 to circulate a ballot initiative exempting LB residents who own and occupy their homes from the city's utility tax, Ms. E. Gerrie Schipske, an announced candidate for the 38th district congressional race, has indicated she will most likely defer if LB Citizens for Utility Reform (LBCUR) launches its own utility tax cutting initiative.

In an e-mail to, Ms. Schipske said that at this point she has only contacted the City Attorney to request a title and statement/summary and has not advanced the initiative further.

Ms. Schipske's e-mail indicated in part she was "concerned about the impact on the city's finances..the outcome of the state budget and monies for the cities..and would hope the Council would take the first steps to eliminate the tax off homeowners."

Meanwhile, LBCUR co-chair John Donaldson told he received an e-mail from Ms. Schipske on August 8, indicating she will most likely defer if LBCUR launches its own utility tax cutting initiative. (We cite the e-mail with Ms. Schipske's permission.)

Mr. Donaldson said that in the next few days, a notice of intent to circulate an initiative to eliminate the utility tax entirely from utilities operated by LB City Hall (gas and water) would be filed.

In November 2000, Ms. Schipske came within roughly 1% of the vote of defeating LB Congressman Steve Horn. To face him again in 2002, she would have to win next year's Democrat primary in which two other Democrats, Erin Gruwell (whom Ms. Schipske defeated in the 2000 Democrat primary) and Assemblywoman Sally Havice have announced they intend to run.

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