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Demolished Belmont Pool Begats New Beachfront Open Space, De Facto "Belmont Plaza Park." Should Long Beach Retain And Gain New Park, Rethink Pool Rebuild Site And Choose Smarter Location For Permanent Aquatics Center? is reader and advertiser supported. Support independent news in LB similar to the way people support NPR and PBS stations. We're not non-profit so it's not tax deductible but $49.95 (less than an annual dollar a week) helps keep us online.
(Feb. 18, 2015) -- Imagine an entirely new, natural beachfront park (a real one, not a sliver of street space some politicians pretend is a park), potentially saving as much as $100 million in taxpayers' Tidelands funds that could be used for needed shoreline area projects.

Susan Miller, who has lived across from Belmont Pool for 22 years and was the only resident on the City Hall designated Pool advisory committee, says the stunning new Long Beach beachfront park is open and available for public enjoyment right now.

With a $100+ million Belmont Pool rebuild stopped by the drop in the price of oil, the recently completed demolition of the seismically deficient Belmont Plaza pool building has begat what Ms. Miller has named "Belmont Plaza Park."

Ms. Miller provided the photos below. They speak for themselves.

[Scroll down for further.]

Ms. Miller isn't alone in her views. Photos from others have spontaneously appeared on social networks (drawing digital "oohs" and "ahhs.")

A temporary pool is now in place which has drawn plaudits from a number of users. Is there now an opportunity to re-think previous Council decisions, not economically sustainable in the foreseeable future (if they ever were) over where to locate a new aquatics center?

Is there now an opportunity for LB taxpayers to gain and retain "Belmont Plaza Park" and have their Councilmembers rethink the current proposed location for a permanent replacement pool?

Long Beach arguably has a number of areas that would welcome a permanent replacement pool for citywide use with fewer costs, less liquefaction and no Coastal Commission juggling. That option would simultaneously retain Belmont Plaza Park for permanent ongoing enjoyment.



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