
City Staff Releases Revised LUE Maps For March 6 Council Action (That Could Accept Them, Tweak Them...Or "Receive and File" Them With LUE) is reader and advertiser supported. Support independent news in LB similar to the way people support NPR and PBS stations. We're not non-profit so it's not tax deductible but $49.95 (less than an annual dollar a week) helps keep us online.
(Jan. 18, 2018, 3:30 p.m.) -- City staff today (Jan. 18) released revised Land Use Element (density increase) maps, and said they will come to the City Council on March 6.

  • The revised maps can be viewed at this link.[ hasn't had an opportunity to review them; we publish as breaking.]
  • For city staff's description of the changes click here.

On March 6, a Council majority can vote to accept the maps as now revised, or make further tweaks or changes, or vote to "receive and file" [take no action to advance] the LUE and its accompanying maps for environmental impact review. Unless the Council votes to "receive and file," the maps (with or without tweaks) will advance to "environmental review" (with public comments) on their impacts, and then return to a final Council vote that could adopt them.

A number of residents have recommended that the Council "receive and file" the LUE since neither the Council nor city staff have held any serious discussion, or invited public discussion, of the neighborhood impacts, development impacts and legal impacts on the proposed LUE of over a new state laws enacted in 2017 affecting city local control, housing and density [including SB 35 among other bills] as well as 2018 proposed legislation [including SB 827.]

As previously reported by, despite Council recited policy to oppose legislation that would detrimentally impact local control (including on land use matters), the City of Long Beach (without serious public explanation to date) failed to oppose SB 35 and several other land use and housing related bills (taking a "neutral" position) although the bills in various and sometimes complex ways limited, reduced and in some cases erased grounds for public challenges to certain developer-desired housing projects, erased some city parking requirements and in some cases eliminated city staff and City Council approval rights, regardless of the proposed housing development's neighborhood or other impacts.

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