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LB Resident Named Special Assistant to U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs

(June 14, 2001) -- The Bush administration has selected a LB resident actively involved in veterans issues and LB area Republican activities to serve as Special Assistant to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Darin Selnick, an Air Force veteran (1985-1992) who attained the rank of Captain, will relocate from LB to Washington, D.C. and will initially be assigned to the V.A. Learning University.

In October 2000, he was elected chairman of the California State Commanders Veterans Council, responsible for leading the coordination and lobbying efforts of 19 veteran service organizations on veterans issues.

He is also Commander of the Department of California for Jewish War Veterans, developing policy, coordinating efforts and supporting all veterans both on active duty and separated.

On the political front, Mr. Selnick served as co-chairman, Veterans for Bush, Los Angeles Region, and since 1996 has been Chairman of the LB Area Republican Party.

Married with two children, Mr. Selnick told, "I'm going to Washington to help the millions of veterans with needs for V.A. services, to serve my country and help my fellow veterans."

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