
LB Parks/Rec Comm'r Goldberg Calls For Easing Current Stay-Home/Business Closure Orders Now; Some Respondents Say If Current Orders Continue, They'll Begin Ignoring Them

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LB COVID-19 Cumulated Positive Tests / Deaths
For daily positive test increases graphed, click here Caveat: City of LB doesn't doesn't release data showing daily number of tests

Fast Face Mask: CDC VIDEO Shows How To Make Your Own Face Mask With No Sewing, Just Bandana Or Tightly Woven Piece of Cloth Plus 2 Rubber Bands
(April 30, 2020, 11:25 a.m.) -- Two weeks ago on April 16, Long Beach Parks and Recreation Commission member Ben Goldberg (writing in his personal capacity) has urged LB officials to reopen golf course, parks, and beaches and some businesses based on CDC guideline by early May. While he's received some pushback (Anna Christensen said he should resign; he refused), Goldberg's stance has received supportive comments from respondents who've included former Councilman Gary DeLong and veteran LB government affairs advocate Diane Ripley.

Earlier today (April 30), two weeks from the date of his initial Facebook dispatch, Mr. Goldberg (part of the leadership of LB Area Republicans and a staunch supporter of President Trump) webposted a dispatch that mangles a few factoids but otherwise conveys a clear message: "Flood our Mayor and City Council with Social Media, emails, texts and phone calls. The future of Long Beach hangs in the balance. If they don't respond, make sure we all do in November, vote them all out...OPEN LONG BEACH UP NOW!!!!!!!"

Responses to his initial comments, and dispatches he's forwarded from the Reopen California Facebook page, have been noteworthy in substance and tone. Many say the Stay Home and business closure orders are irrational, needlessly destructive and undeniably disruptive; they brush aside Dr. Fauci's warnings that lifting restrictions too soon will increase illnesses and deaths and worsen economic disruptions, and they're not troubled by criticism that their actions might put others at risk; they say those who are concerned should stay home.

And some say if Sac'to and LB officials don't ease the current restrictions, they'll ignore them and do what they think seems sensible.

[Scroll down for further.]

[Goldberg April 30 text] ...Now that we have "flattened" the curve of deaths and hospitalizations (the only numbers that can be verified), the questions should have included some cold hard reality checks. The questions below may seem outrageous to some, but the reality is that we have lost 36 LB Citizens (all with preexisting conditions) and the hospitals are empty. We are furloughing nurses and hospital staff. At the same time we are bankrupting our local businesses and many will never reopen even if we re-opened tomorrow!!!!

Questions like:

  • As a person who depends on tax payer funds for your pensions present or in the future, are you prepared to take a substantial cut in benefits by staying home for 2 to 9 weeks longer (July 1 for bars and full occupancy venues)?


  • As a member if LBPD or LBFD are you prepared to roll your position into the LA County Sheriff and Fire Department?

  • As a LB citizen are you ok with less local attention as a result of losing our local Public Safety Depts.


  • As a result of the lost tax base from residents leaving the County or State, which hospital should be saved Memorial or St Mary’s?

    We didn't elect Garcetti as our Mayor and we have our own City Council. It’s time we realize that LB has done a better job controlling and preparing for the inevitable Increase in Covid 19 cases. We also know that our vulnerable population may need to stay home longer than the 99% of us who have little chance of dying from this disease.

    Just look at Venezuela, Cuba, Russia and other similar economies who rely solely on the wisdom of their government to survive. We can't keep printing the money to get us out of this. We certainly can't tax people with no money to pay it.

    Flood our Mayor and City Council with Social Media, emails, texts and phone calls. The future of Long Beach hangs in the balance. If they don't respond, make sure we all do in November, vote them all out...OPEN LONG BEACH UP NOW!!!!!!!

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    Some responses:

  • Amen I'm going back to work May 15th...This charade is OVER!!!!!
  • Ben A Goldberg you should be our mayor.
  • Agreed
  • Well said. I have know several businesses that will permanently close if we don't open soon. If you are nervous, stay home.
  • As long as we pursue a calculated balance that conform to the CDC Guidelines, community and personal safety, and economic necessity that will help us quickly recover from what now appears to be a depression, we should proceed with a carefully planned series of processes designed to slowly and methodically move those with the strongest immunity systems back into the workplace.
  • ]From Goldberg] Exactly, otherwise socialism wins
  • ...I am actually go out to do business for the first time in 8 weeks excited!
  • Sponsor


    Governor Newsom has indicated current restrictions will be eased [by him] in a matter of weeks, not months, but hasn't provided dates certain for this, saying it will be driven by data.

    LB's Health Officer "Stay at Home" and business closure order expires on May 15 unless renewed by the City's Health Officer (a city management employee.)



    Support really independent news in Long Beach. No one in's ownership, reporting or editorial decision-making has ties to development interests, advocacy groups or other special interests; or is seeking or receiving benefits of City development-related decisions; or holds a City Hall appointive position; or has contributed sums to political campaigns for Long Beach incumbents or challengers. isn't part of an out of town corporate cluster and no one its ownership, editorial or publishing decisionmaking has been part of the governing board of any City government body or other entity on whose policies we report. is reader and advertiser supported. You can help keep really independent news in LB similar to the way people support NPR and PBS stations. We're not non-profit so it's not tax deductible but $49.95 (less than an annual dollar a week) helps keep us online.

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