(April 26, 2021, 5:00 p.m., updated 7:45 p.m. with portions of Harbor Commn'n agendizing memo text) -- Elon Musk's Space X will occupy part of the Port of Long Beach -- 6.5 acres on Pier T -- as a marine terminal for its West Coast rocket recovery operations
The agreement was reached between the Hawthorne based firm and the Port of Long Beach, approved by LB Harbor Commissioners this afternoon. Space X's presence is tangentially a space related development; it's basically using part of a Port marine terminal -- Pier T, once the site of the historic, controversially demolished, former U.S. Navy Station -- to dock its vessels and offload equipment.
In its Executive Summary, PoLB staff's agendizing memo states: This proposed action requests the Board of Harbor Commissioners to authorize the Executive Director to execute a Sublease granting Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX) use of approximately 2.85 acres of land, 3.54 acres of submerged land, and improvements thereon including a standalone pier structure and mooring island extending 1,168 linear feet offshore commonly known as Pier 16 and 65,894 square feet of warehouse and office space... Among its key points: The Sublease premises consists of approximately 2.85 acres of land, 3.54 acres of submerged land, and Port -owned improvements situated thereon that include Pier 16 and 65,894 square feet of office and warehouse space... As LBREPORT.com has reported as part of our continuing Long Beach's Future in Space, series multiple space related firms -- including Virgin Orbit, Rocket Lab, Relativity and Spin Launch -- have chosen Long Beach for directly related space operations. A Port of Long Beach release said it has been "actively looking for a new tenant since the previous occupant, Sea Launch, departed in February 2020." Port of LB Executive Director Mario Cordero commended the Port's team, including its developing the agreement with SpaceX. |
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