Follow the Money

One Day Before Election, Garcia Loaned $50,000 From His 2018 Mayoral Re-Election Campaign Committee To Garcia-Run (Garcia/Doud Named) Pro-AAA-DDD Committee...And It Still Leaves Pro-AAA-DDD Committee With $153,000 In Unpaid Bills (Some Possibly From June Pro-Measure M Campaign) is reader and advertiser supported. Support independent news in LB similar to the way people support NPR and PBS stations. We're not non-profit so it's not tax deductible but $49.95 (less than an annual dollar a week) helps keep us online.
(November 14, 2018, 12:28 p.m.) -- Campaign finance reports show that one day before Nov. 6 election day, Mayor Robert Garcia loaned $50,000 given to his 2018 Mayoral re-election campaign to the Garcia-operated Garcia/Doud Pro-AAA-DDD Committee. It's indicated as a 0% loan with a "due date" of June 30, 2019.

On Oct. 29, the LB Firefighters union also gave the pro-AAA-DDD campaign a $2,000 "in kind" contribution for "social media ads," making its cumulative contributions to the Garcia run committee (includes sums for the June Measure M utility revenue transfer/diversion campaign) to $67,000.

The net result left the Garcia-operated (Garcia/Doud-named) pro-AAA-DDD committee with a $10,484 cash balance but with $153,589 in unpaid bills (some of which may stem from the Measure M as well as the AAA-DDD campaign.)

[Scroll down for further.]

In the 17 days before election day, the Garcia-Doud "Good Government" committee reported incurring the following expenditures, unpaid as of Nov. 6:

  • $33,855 ($8,000 + $25,855) to Carillo Strategies of Wilmington (campaign consultants)

  • $5,402 to Anthony Hale (phone banks)

  • $6,481 to Toskr, Inc. of Oakland for "text messaging services"

  • $1,250 to Daniel Brezenoff (campaign consultants). [This is addition to $1,250 paid to Mr. Brezenoff by the committee earlier in the AAA-DDD campaign cycle (during which he webposted social media comments disputing statements by opponents of the Charter Amendments.).
  • During the same period, the Garcia-Doud committee paid Fairbank, Maslin, Maulin, Metz & Associates of Oakland [polling and survey research] $15,570 (portion may be from previous Measure M campaign) and still owes the firm $21,250.

    As of June 30, 2018, the Garcia for Mayor 2018 campaign committee reported a cash balance of $189,403 with no outstanding debts. In addition to the $50,000 loan it made on Nov. 5 to the Garcia-run (Garcia/Doud pro-AAD-DDD) committee, Garcia gave $7,300 from his 2018 re-election campaign committee to support state Senator Ricardo Lara's campaign for state Insurance Commissioner.






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