(Nov. 11, 2021, 4:15 p.m.) -- Long Beach had two shootings within roughly twelve hours, one in the noon hour today (Nov. 11) less than a mile due north of LB's new Civic Center and another in the midnight hour in the area of Anaheim/Alamitos -- a "drive-by" -- in which a woman says a man fired at her vehicle, striking it. LBPD Public Information Officer Brandon Fahey tells LBREPORT.com:
The Redistricting Charter Amendment was written by the City Attorney's office, backed by Mayor Garcia and City Auditor Doud and approved by voters in 2018 ostensibly to reduce political influence in census-required balancing population in electoral districts. The Charter Amendment forbids the Redistricting Commission from taking into account the residence of any individual in drawing district lines but is required to respect communities of interest and geographically contiguous areas. Some have questioned whether Map 2 and the last minute map proposing to amend it respect these principles by letting the Airport split newly drawn CD 5.. Airport-impacted community advocate Rae Gabelich supported having more than one Airport impacted Council district touch part of the Airport, but she didn't envision splitting CD5 or attaching geographically disconnected Cal Hts and a split version of Bixby Knolls onto CD 5 to do it.
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